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Re: tune source : Shtiler Shtiler from House of Mirth

I don't know the film _House of Mirth_, but there is a well-known song
called "Shtiler, shtiler" from the Vilno ghetto with words by Shmerke 
Kaczerginski and music by Alek Volkoviski, who was 11 years old when he
composed the melody in 1943.  The words and music can be found in such books as
Kaczerginski's _Lider fun di getos un lagern_ (New York, 1948), Eleanor 
Mlotek and Malke Gottlieb's _Mir zaynen do/We Are Here_ (New York, 1983) 
and Shoshana Kalisch and Barbara Meister's _Yes, We Sang!_ (New York, 1985).
        Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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