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Re: A nice surprise?

In a message dated 5/1/01 8:42:22 PM, nusach (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< lichvod mother's day....nusachmaven2 (usually yeladim radio) will play 
only by women for the next several weeks.....tune in to hear Shirona, 
Neshamah Carlbach, Judy Caplan Ginsburgh, Karen Daniel, Sophie Kurtzer, Bat 
Shevah, Lisa & Lynn, Cantor Lisa Levine, Cantor Deborah Katchko, Robin 
Helzner, Pharoah's Daughter and many will take me a couple of 
days to upload it......

the station will change from yeladim radio to Ashes Chayil Radio during this 
time. >>

Winston's post raises an interesting question: What qualifies as "Women's 

I note that at least two of the performers listed (Pharoah's Daughter and 
Robin Helzner) perform and record with male musicians.  One could argue that 
the fact that Basya and Robin are the leaders of their respective groups 
makes what they do fall into the category of "Women's Music."  

But is my duo with Deborah Strauss also "Women's Music?"  After all, 50% of 
the creative work is being done by a woman.  

Hmmmm... does this question lead to a quagmire as sticky as the question 
"what is Jewish Music?"  ;-) 

Jeff Warschauer

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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