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Klezmer and Yiddish Song Workshops 19 - 22 July 2001 in the Netherlands

Just a reminder to our friends that Deborah Strauss and I will again be 
involved in this wonderful program.  We had an absolutely great session last 
summer, and this coming  summer should prove to be even better.   See below 
for more information.  Hope to see you there!  


Tulip Art Connection (The Netherlands) announces:
Klezmer workshops: MAZLTOV!  19 - 22 July 2001

Songs, instrumental music, special techniques, dances, lectures, 
storytelling with 4 outstanding Klezmer music and Yiddish song coaches:
Shura Lipovsky, 
Monique Lansdorp,
Deborah Strauss, 
Jeff Warschauer,

Not only a workshop, but an unique experience of traditional Yiddish life.

For singers and instrumentalists (all instruments are welcome)   

There are a few places left, but registration ends on May 20th, 2001.         
Registration possible by email: info (at) tulipart(dot)nl
or via registration form at

Tulip Art Connection 
More detailed info:
location            Castle Oud-Poelgeest, between Amsterdam and The Hague in 
the Netherlands
ability levels      all levels
age limits          adults
 music program  choice of daily sessions:
                          - singing - instrumental ensembles - dancing
                          - special Klezmer techniques for strings, mandolin 
and guitar 
                          - techniques for learning by ear
                          - improvisation 
                          - repertoire studies- 
                           -story telling
facilities            accommodations are in a fully modernized 17th-century 
                          in the woodlands, 10 minutes from beaches, Leiden, 
costs                  fl. 525 ( is 250 euro)
costs include      lodging (double room with shower, toilet and phone), 
meals, tuition
languages          Yiddish, English, German, Dutch, French
organisation      Tulip Art Connection
contact              Olga van der Hoeden        phone/fax +31 20 6103483
address              P.O.Box 9649
                          1006 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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