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Re: kol isha

Thank you Margot and Robert for shedding light on this issue.  Our group was 
asked recently to play at a Lubavitcher social event and they had no problem 
with the fact that we have a female instrumentalist.  I was not sure if this 
was handled differently in other Hasidic communities.  If there is no 
halakhic problem, then it is more likely an economic one (I hope nothing 
else!)  Incidentally, several years ago I asked a very well known and very 
observant klezmer musician if he had objections to playing in a mixed group 
and he said it depended on the situation.  I didn't think much about it then, 
but now I am not sure what he meant.    

Alan Sisselman
Buffalo, NY

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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