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Re: kol isha

The reason I would think Margot's posting is "a digression from kol 
isha"--and bringing up relevant economic issues is *not* a halakhic 
digression, by the way--is that kol isha applies (for better or for worse, 
etc., etc.) to women's *voices* and hence to women *singers,* not--so far as 
I know--women instrumentalists like Margot.

Have Margot and other women instrumentalists on this list (or of their 
acquaintance) been excluded *as women* from playing--not singing--in 
Orthodox venues?  I'm curious (and interested).

--Robert Cohen

>And I realize this seems like a digression from Kol Isha, I've departed 
>the talmudic issue, but in many ways it still is the same issue.  A rose by
>any other name...
>Margot Leverett

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