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Re: kol isha

it's a sensitive question, since we never know for sure why we aren't hired - 
maybe they just don't like my clarinet playing.   And there have been some 
occasions where I have been hired by Orthodox and Hassidim, especially in 
smaller cities where it was an issue of male musicians not being available.  
I've asked my male colleagues in NY if would be possible for me to get 
wedding work in those communities in NY and the answer was 'not in this 
lifetime.'   I get inquiries, then the client decides I would not be 
"appropriate" for a job, I explain that I dress modestly and don't sing, but 
they still don't hire me - but you never know, maybe they didn't like the 
demo, or maybe another band was cheaper.  It happens all the time and you 
never know the reason for sure.
 I don't know any women instrumentalists who are working in those communities 
in NY, but if they are I would LOVE to know about it  Meanwhile, I've been 
asked to play Carlebach tunes for an upcoming Purim event (on a volunteer 
basis)  and I intend to bring the house down.  Excuse me.  It's a tiny crack 
in the door so I'm going to see if I can get my foot in.
  I was really trying to make the point that it becomes ridiculous for 
religious groups to point the accusing finger of sexism at each other when 
the discrimination has been almost completely universal until very recently.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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