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Re: kol isha

This posting reminds me of an occurrance 20 years ago.  I had been hired to 
accompany (piano) a man who was singing at a big Jewish Rennaisance fair.  
Right before we were to begin, the coordinator came backstage panic stricken.  
It seems he had not asked anyone to sing the anthems.  Without batting an eye, 
I happily said I would be glad to do it and he needn't worry about it any more.
He looked at me with horror in his eyes, and said, "my dear, if you open your 
mouth and sing one note this place will empty out so fast your head will spin". 
 Thus, my education on kol isha....


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Asissel (at) cs(dot)com
Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 20:24:04 EST

>I am a bit confused.  I thought that the restrictions applied only to female 
>vocalists in the presence of "traditional" men.  I have noticed little 
>restriction when it comes to female instrumentalists.  I thought the whole 
>issue had to do with the female voice. The local Lubavitchers do not object 
>to female musicians.  What is the story?  Are there different sets of rules 
>among the traditionalists too.  What a revelation.
>Alan Sisselman 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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