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Odp: Rakija i Klezperanto

.> I have only a dim memory of Rakija, which I remember as a fruit brandy,
but don't recall being anise-flavored.

Of course that Rakija is not anise-flavored

> At the same time, I have always assumed vodkas to be from potatoes, and
neither Rakija nor Arak rely on the potato, to the best of my limited
knowledge. Maybe we need an exchange with jewish-drinks to clarify the
matter ;-).

In Poland every 40 percent spirit is called "vodka", but You are part right.
Vodka is neutral, transcient fluid made from potatoes but also from the rye
Slivovica /kind of Rakija/ is made from the plums crushed, fermentated and
I have in my collection bottle of "Passover Slivovitz" /"S'liwowica
paschalna"/ made in Poland , 70 percent strong .
I've read that famous Russian writer Wieniedikt Jerofiejew /Yerofeyev/, the
author of "Moskva-Petushki" and great drinker said when he drunk that spirit
for the first time: "Odno ja mogu skazat' - job twoju mat'" :))


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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