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nusach this week

shalom and welcome to new listeners.  Here's this week's playlist on the 
NUSACH INTERNET RADIO NETWORK:  you can access all of our stations from our 
web site at

1)  NUSACHMAVEN:  24HOURS OF Cantorial and liturgical music around the clock 
around the world.  Friday morning nuasachmaven station becomes shabbat radio 
and switches to an all shabbat playlist.

2)  NUSACHMAVEN2: AKA YELADIM RADIO.  We continue to add Channukah music to 
this station.  This station is dedicated to the younger generation and 
provides a place where they can enjoy Jewish music as they surf the web.

3) NUSACHMAVEN3:  NUSACH LIVE.  We have expanded to three live shows a week. 
  Monday and Thursday nights at 10pm and Sunday morning at 9am.  Join us 
live for exciting and uplifting shows featuring a large variety of Cantorial 
and Liturgical performers.  The show this Thursday night will be a Channukah 
show.  After the show, Nusachmaven3 will become CHANNUKAH RADIO and play 
channukah music 24 hours a day until the end of the festival.  In order to 
bring you live broadcasts during the week, we will be off the air for the 
hour before the live broadcast to give us time to configure for the live 

for more information come to the website of the network at

if you like what you hear, why not share the web sites with others in your 
congregation and in your address book!

winston weilheimer
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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