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RE: Israelis and Klezmer

>Today, Israelis, like everyone else in the world have discovered Klezmer,
>and with it,  they discovered an innate spark, a flame, that was never
>All the Hebrew, and all the Sabra culture in the world will never suppress
>this spark,
>once the yiddisher neshomeh  has been awakened by Klezmer.
>IMHO, of course.

Israelis would point out that Giora Feidman was playing Klezmer long before the 
klezmer revival started here, and Moshe Berlin might provide ample proof that 
there is klezmer in Israel. General Yiddish culture as we have transmuted it in 
the United States? That is lacking, but neither is Israel North America--for 
one thing, there is more awareness of a much wider range of world Jewish 
cultures than one usually encounters here.

But, like Trudi, I see no reason not to help the person whose message 
originated this thread, and no reason to invoke any particular chauvinism while 
trying to be helpful.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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