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RE: Fwd: Yiddish short story for klezmer film sought

Lets' face one undeniable, and somewhat unfortunate fact --
for many years, the Israeli cultural infrastructure has been hostile
to Yiddish and Yiddishkeit in general. In an effort to wipe out the image
of a "victim" and what they saw as the legacy of the Holocaust, the
language  (and thus the culture) of European Jewry was suppressed
if not outright denied in Israel.  In it's place a newer, bolder Israeli
with Hebrew  as the new mamaloshen would dominate.

Today, Israelis, like everyone else in the world have discovered Klezmer,
and with it,  they discovered an innate spark, a flame, that was never
All the Hebrew, and all the Sabra culture in the world will never suppress
this spark,
once the yiddisher neshomeh  has been awakened by Klezmer.
IMHO, of course.

LA, though.... (shudder)..... frankly, he's be better off in Montreal. More
and the film making is easier.

Ed Sieb

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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