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Re: 78rpms to CD - Reality.

on 9/11/00 12:06 PM, Joe Kurland at ganeydn (at) crocker(dot)com wrote:

> I just went to the Plextor website given above and found no mention
> in the specs of Mac compatibility-- Only Windows and NT.  Any
> suggestions as to where to find a Mac version of the Plextor?
Joe, I'm pretty sure that all the models they manufacture will work with a
Mac. You'll have to choose either scsi or atapi(ide), depending on your Mac
setup. I'm not sure I'd recommend usb or firewire models. I'm testing a
firewire model and not too happy with it--the hardware is probably fine but
the software isn't working quite right.

You will also need to make sure that the software you use will work with
these burners--Toast, for example, should recognize most of the burners
available on the market, however, depending on the burning software you use,
it may be necessary to download an additional plug-in--you can check the
company site like or the like. You may not need any
additional software drivers unless you intend to read CDs from the burner as
well in which case you may need to install an appropriate driver.

I usually visit first to look for the best deals. This
link will list a lot of Plextor sales going on now:

Let me know how it goes. 8)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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