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Re: Meaning of "Klezmer"

My apologies to Joshua Horowitz for incorrectly pidgeon-holing your efforts
as being "preservationist" or anything like what the Early Music scene has
attempted to do. I admit that your statement "If (a modern audience) hears
an old instrument playing an old style in a new way, all it hears is the old
playing the old" pretty much characterizes my situation when it comes to
what I have heard of Budowitz. I actually listened to Budowitz's "Mother
Tongue" album a lot before I started listening to reissues of old 78's, so
unfortunately, in my own "historical" development, I heard Budowitz as the
"old" style and everything else as newer - my mistake. By the way, I don't
recall any indication in the liner notes to the "Mother Tongue" album that
you were attempting to play an old style in a new way, so perhaps I was
misled there as well.

Could you possibly provide some general information as to what directions
you see yourself as having taken that are neither "the old playing the old"
nor directions that others actually took in the time/space continuum that we
seem to think that we share?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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