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Re: Meaning of "Klezmer"

Thanks, Josh!  I really like the redefinition.  I wasn't comfortable with my 
category of "entertainment" anyway.  I still would like a label to slap on 
the type of music you play (was there one, did I miss it?), which (by your 
definition of it) doesn't seem to be so far from what lots of us are trying 
to do.

If I understand your thoughts, you are saying "I am immersed in the musical 
world of a past generation and entranced by it, but I am not a 19th century 
immigrant and my own sensibilities and humor ultimately takes the music in 
another direction."  Or maybe, "I am doing my own riff on the old groove, but 
out of love and respect for the masters."  Or maybe just, "I want to create 
another time and place for modern ears, but the best way to do that isn't by 
trying to be a tintype of my ancestors but by running it through my own 
imagination."  Do I read you?

Lori in Chicago

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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