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Re: Arlo Guthrie et al.

I'm afraid Arlo hardly writes Jewish music.  But, fwiw, he *did* have a 
gevalt bar mitzvah--which the Weavers and many others attended, in Brooklyn. 
   BTW, I'm not sure if Aliza Greenblatt was a songwriter, or "just" (not to 
demean!!!) a poet some of whose poems were set to music.  Am curious about 
this, if anyone knows -- Robert Cohen

>From: "Mark H. David" <mhd (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Jewish music?
>Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 20:34:21 -0500
>On Guthrie -- I don't know to what extent he was immersed in Jewish
>culture. But Guthrie's wife -- Arlo's mother -- was certainly quite
>Jewish.  Here's some of my info about Guthrie's wife, Marjorie: her
>mother was a well-known  Yiddish poet and songwriter, Aliza Greenblatt.
>Her father was a very dedicated Zionist who lived in prestate Palestine
>for a time.  Her oldest brother also moved to Palestine and joined in
>its nascent Navy, and even wrote a book in Hebrew on Naval operations.
>I haven't had much information to suggest that the Guthrie household
>was very influenced by this, but it seems possible.  I'd be interested
>to hear more about it.  Maybe Arlo could comment if he's listening.
>By the way, do I think Arlo makes Jewish music?  No offense, but:
>no, not really.
>Mark David

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