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Re: Meaning of "Klezmer"

> Josh,
> Which attempts to integrate klezmer music into modern compositions are
> you thinking of? Bob

I wasn't trying to be specific, but was more taking a definite, very
opinionated standpoint about the effort as such for myself. I won't
single out any compositions I've heard, in spite of having been asked
ocassionally to write reviews. I feel too jaded to trust my own opinion
on a public platform outside of the realm of a discussion like this. But
I think my main qualm about using folk music for the basis of *serious
music* is an implicit meaning that the serious music world is
*improving* upon the music of the *natives*. I've never been able to
hear a derivative composition without getting past that reaction. Maybe
my ears are clogged though, I don't know. Josh

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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