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Re: Meaning of "Klezmer"

<< 1) Preservationist/European (e.g., Brave Old World, Perlman)
 2) Contemporary (e.g. Zorn, Klezmatics)
 3) Entertainment (e.g. KCB, yours truly--Maxwell Street) >>

I was riding to a gig and listening to a program about Duke Ellington, on 
which it was stated that, when he first played in London for cultured and 
prestigious audiences who took him seriously as a composer, he came to see 
himself differently.  They continued:  In America, he was viewed as an 
ENTERTAINER, whereas the in Europe he was viewed as an ARTIST.  So, in case I 
have offended the KCB (and swiped myself inadvertently at the same time), let 
me hasten to add that the use of the three  categories above is a sort of 
shorthand, and not intended to suggest that those whose approach to the music 
is entertaining reduces it artistically to some sort of casual amusement.  In 
actuality, I think that artists that take themselves very seriously may not 
have more genius than those who entertain--Charlie Chaplin comes to mind, for 

Lori in Chicago

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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