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Re: Meaning of "Klezmer"

In a message dated 1/2/00 1:15:24 AM, you wrote:

<<<< 1) Preservationist/European (e.g., Brave Old World, Perlman)
 2) Contemporary (e.g. Zorn, Klezmatics)
 3) Entertainment (e.g. KCB, yours truly--Maxwell Street) >> (from Lori)

It seems to me that anything done on a stage can be perceived as 
"entertainment" - I don't think it belongs with your other two categories.  
As for my perception of the KCB, I see us (and have always seen us) as a 
"Klezmer and Yiddish Repertory" ensemble.  Your first category has been 
referred to by a few different writers (myself, Barbara Kirshenblatt 
Gimblett) as a "Heritage" approach.  - Hankus

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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