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Re: Spanish Hannukah songs

In a message dated 11/19/1999 3:31:49 PM Central Standard Time, 
jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com writes:

<< You know, I've always wondered if Flory is getting her $.072 (or whatever 
 the statutory mechanical license rate) per record sold for each recording 
 that uses Ocho Kandelikas. My guess is that many of the people doing the 
 song don't even know that it's modern and that is has a very much alive 
 Someday soon I'll have to send her a print-out of the (dozens of) 
 recordings that do that song. >>

As far as the recording on Maxwell Street Wedding is concerned, make sure to 
tell her that Global Village isn't paying the band royalties, either!  We 
will send her .5 per recording once we re-issue it ourselves (and the same to 
Josh Waletsky for Wissotsky's Tea--don't worry Reyzl!).

In the meantime, I am sure that she is aware that there is a certain status 
in having one of your compositions achieve the anonymous status of "folk 
song" in your own lifetime!

Maxwell Street

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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