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Re: Spanish Hannukah songs

I somehow missed the beginning of this discussion about Spanish Hanukah songs.
As Joel has already mentioned, Ocho Kandelikas was composed by Flory and is of
course very different in flavor from the traditional songs in her repertoire.

Has there been any mention in this discussion of traditional Ladino songs for
Chanukah? (It's not something that I usually remember to ask the singers I have
worked with about. [I guess I don't do much Sephardic music research during the
month of December!]) Does anyone have any such songs in their repertoire or in
their collection of field or professional recordings? I would be very interested
to know what - if any - older songs for this holiday other people have

Thanks very much!   Carol Freeman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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