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Re: gelt as opposed to guilt

In a message dated 12/11/1999 3:48:35 PM Central Standard Time, 
goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< I'd like to think that as musicians who want 
 to expose the world to the beauties of Yiddish music and Yiddishkeyt this is 
 just non-menschischkeyt behavior?  Tell me what you think? >>

Althought it seems black and white (and probably was indeed a case of 
rudeness), the protocol is for the individual or the band leader to go to the 
person who is writing the check and ask if this would be appropriate.

I (and all the other band leaders, I'm sure) learned the hard way that only 
the person writing the check calls the shots.  How?  The father of the bride 
told me to have klezmorim lead the bride and groom into the room.  The bride 
told us that she did not want this done.  We obliged the bride.  The father 
subsequently refused to pay the band.  Since that time, no matter how benign 
the change from the original plans seems on the bandstand, I always run it by 
the client for their approval--even if it comes from the honorees.

Maxwell Street

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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