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There is an ad in this week's Forward for "Magical Kosher Tours, Inc."
and "Passover 2000 at the Disneyland Hotel" in Southern CA.

Along with your =seder= , a =khazn=, choir ,etc.  there is an act called 

are you ready?


This is scary.


Susan Lerner wrote:

> At 04:01 PM 12/8/99 -0500, Wolf wrote:
> >Musicians will, if given the chance, make the music that is meaningful to
> >them.
> >The audience owes it to themselves to stretch their awareness constantly.
> >
> >Arts programmers need to have the vision and courage to present artists
> >that are
> >not standard fare.
> >
> >For Jewish and Yiddish musical culture to matter and flourish, the 
> >traditional
> >must be balanced out by the contemporary.
> As usual, I agree with Wolf completely.  Nothing is more deadly than a
> concert of "old"  shmaltz performed unchanged over a 30 year period.  It
> can be wonderful to see an older audience warmed by the sounds of their
> youth, but you won't see many young faces there.  From a promoter's point
> of view, that audience has a limited financial potential (let's face it -
> they are mostly on limited incomes, don't expect to pay much for Yiddish
> events and are sadly dwindling in numbers).

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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