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Re: promiscuous fusionizers

    I think this is a classic insider/outsider discussion:  you can do 
whatever you want with whatever music you want, but you can't necessarily 
expect the result to resonate within the community that produced the music 
you're drawing on.  
    At our NEC summer klezmer workshop, one of our Moldavian faculty members 
found himself profoundly unimpressed with the "rootedness" of some of the 
recordings I played.  He described the problem he heard as a "computer 
virus;"  people hear this, attach it to the name "klezmer," and pretty soon 
hard drives all over the world are affected.  I liked the analogy - and 
immediately realized my complicity in spreading a few viruses myself.  But 
you only tend to worry about such things if you personally have something at 
stake, some attachment to and interest in preservation.  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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