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Re: promiscuous fusionizers

"Promiscuous fusionizers".   Sounds like they would fit in with "rootless


TROMBAEDU (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> In a message dated 12/8/99 9:31:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, media (at) 
> kamea(dot)com
> writes:
> << In my experience, the word "promiscuous" is usually trotted out by the
> envious
>  and the vengeful in an attempt to besmirch somebody's character because they
>  are perceived as having too much or the wrong kind of close interpersonal
>  contact.
>  I don't like it.
>  Please, -- Kabalas, Alan Eder/Pesach Posse, Klezperanto, Neshama, et al.,
>  keep making more great, original and  "promiscuous" music.
>   >>
> I have to go with Wolf on this one. (See, we agree again) Without the
> promiscous fusionisers, African American music would be field hollers and
> basic blues. There would be no Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker,
> etc. I agree that bringing a personal approach to Folk idioms has to result
> in good music for us to agree that it is good, but that doesn't invalidate
> the technique itself.
> Jordan

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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