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Re: Jewish music performance series

Who are you, Jordan?

At 12:21 AM 09/27/1999 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 9/26/99 10:09:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:
><< Am I correct that your personal conclusions on the matter of Kol
> Ishah, at least insofar as secular performance is concerned, is
> identical with Wolf's?
>  >>
>All good questions. After consulting with various Halachic authorities, from 
>the Orthodox camp, it seems that there are a number of issues to consider. 
>For instance, there are responsa that deal with the issue of mixed voice 
>groups in a favorable fashion. 
>Additionally, it seems that one can follow the original intent of the laws
>Kol Isha, which would not include women's voices outside of very specific 
>Wolf's positions, which are sincerely held, are based on his sense of 
>personal ethics. That is not a bad thing, per se, but my position is that
>decision needs to be placed in a Halachic context, whichever position one 
Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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