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street Yikhes

One Hannukeh I played a gig with a klezmer band in
an orthodox shul.  After we played an exhausting
round of Yikhes, over and over, faster and faster,
a little lady came up and taught me the "street
words" to Yikhes.  She said they sang it this way
when they were kids:

(pardon my idiosyncratic spelling of words I'm not
sure of.)

dayn tate iz a schmara voznik
dayn mame gant vet fisch in mart
dayn bruder iz a kartosnik
dayn schvester lebt mit a kozak

your father is a garbage man
your mother sells fish
your brother is a (?)
your sister lives with a Kossak.  (ouch!)

Anyone with a better translation or more info?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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