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Re: Jewish music performance series

In a message dated 9/24/99 1:17:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
heckertkrs (at) juno(dot)com writes:

<< As for mixed choirs - they're definitely out.  In fact, the only group I
 know of that has even a male choir is the German-Jewish community in
 Washington Heights.  For the rest of us the idea of a choir is too close
 to the practice of other religions, and in any case most congregation
 would rather "do it themselves," even if everybody isn't always in the
 same key (Or any key at all.  My ex-husband used to claim that he sang so
 badly at the Shabbos table because you're not allowed to carry [a tune]
 on Shabbos.)
 Thanks for your understanding and thoughtful response.  Not everybody
 stops to think that different practices may make sense to the people
 doing them!  Most Orthodox women do not think of these things as
 "discrimination," but rather as being protected from unwelcome attention.
  (Any woman who's walked past a construction site in New York City will
 know what I'm talking about  :-)

Strictly speaking, this is not entirely accurate. You are mixing up two 
different issues. Synagogue choirs are frowned upon in some circles, accepted 
in others, for the reason you mention. But a mixed choir that is not part of 
the service is a separate issue, for which there are a wide variety of 
responses in Jewish Law.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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