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Re: Israeli Music Today

In a message dated 7/27/99 5:35:01 PM, zelwel (at) earthlink(dot)net writes:

<< I still think the Sephardic Israeli
music that has roots in other Mid East  music is interesting, though, but
it's not necessarily pop.
                EK >>

Unfortunately, the Mizrahi music that you are referring to is also going the 
way of slick synthesizer. The difference between "LeHakat HaOud" and some of 
the new things that pass for "Arab Sounding Israeli Music" (as some call it) 
is as different as night & day.  
This does not mean it's necessarily bad music, some of it just became so 
mainstream. There are some artists however that maintain a large degree of 
the "authentic" Mizrachi sound .

I don't want anyone to think that Hatikvah is so exclusive that we don't 
carry the newer artists. Being in retail we have to. It's just that so few of 
the new artist stay around very long, or produce anything that really sticks 
out within their style of music.  Some of the most creative music can be 
found in the work of such artists as "Ethinix".  On a personal note, this is 
not the kind of music I listen to, but I can recognize that fact they are 
very talented and unique in the things they have tried. Zehava-Ben, has kept 
her "Moroccan" sound throughout her music and has been one of the most 
prolific artist in the last 8 years or so.

My personal complaint with the modern music from Israel, is that it is so 
Americanized. If I don't like a contemporary style of American music, why 
would I want to hear it in Hebrew. You won't find American rock bands doing 
Israeli Rock songs in English.

End Of Editorial

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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