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Re: Israeli Music Today

Simon Says (couldn't resist):
>Israeli music has lost it's ethnicity, which is what the world market is 
>looking for. There are a handful of artists that still record "Israeli" 
>music, but , unfortunately, the labels in Israel, are all looking for their 
>next "Ricky Martin".
>Over the last 3 or 4 years, I have only picked up a handful of new artist. 
>Because of this great void artist such as Yehoram Gaon, Arik Einstein (his 
>early recordings) , Guela Gill and of course Shoshana Damari are more
>than eve, at least at Hatikvah.

That's not too surprising. It seems there was a sort of openness (in the
sense of musical space) to a lot of the Israeli music of the 40's and 50's-
possibly because it came out of a physical frontier- now the music has
become much more urban (and generic). I still think the Sephardic Israeli
music that has roots in other Mid East  music is interesting, though, but
it's not necessarily pop.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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