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Re: Israeli Music Today

In a message dated 7/27/99 12:20:06 PM, drosenberg (at) dht(dot)com writes:

<<  but I wasn't really prepared for the magnitude of the
differences. It seems like the Israeli "stars" have taken everything
that's banal and schlocky about modern "American" pop music (overuse of
synthisized effects, e.g.) and incorporated it into their music, while
discarding everything that (to me as an American Jew) denotes >>

Dear Dick,

I totally agree with you. When Israeli music went "western" , I started 
cutting back on the number of new artists that Hatikvah carries.   The new 
Israeli artists are doing bad imitations of the worst of American music. 
There tried Raggea, Heavy Metal, even Rap in Hebrew, and all bombed. 

Israeli music has lost it's ethnicity, which is what the world market is 
looking for. There are a handful of artists that still record "Israeli" 
music, but , unfortunately, the labels in Israel, are all looking for their 
next "Ricky Martin".
Over the last 3 or 4 years, I have only picked up a handful of new artist. 
Because of this great void artist such as Yehoram Gaon, Arik Einstein (his 
early recordings) , Guela Gill and of course Shoshana Damari are more popular 
than eve, at least at Hatikvah.
Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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