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Re: Israeli Music Today

The AP report published on the CNN web page gives the cause of death as
'unknown infection'.

At 09:13 AM 7/28/99 -0400, you wrote:
>"At press time, the cause of Ariel's death had not been determined.  On
Monday afternoon, Ichilov Hospital convened an internal committee of
specialists to
>investigate. Its findings will be announced on Wednesday, a hospital
spokeswoman said."
>FORWARD -- July 23.
>Joel Epstein wrote:
>> Meir Ariel died of a severe infection caused by handling a dog tick,
which he failed to treat in time.  There is no investigation regarding the
cause of his death.
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Yoel Epstein, etses gibbers consultants
>> POB 8516
>> Moshav Magshimim 56910
>> Israel
>> tel:    972-3-9333316
>>         972-52-333316
>> fax:    972-3-9338751
>> email:  yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:   Kame'a Media [SMTP:media (at) kamea(dot)com]
>> Sent:   ã éåìé 28 1999 3:45
>> To:     World music from a Jewish slant
>> Subject:        Re: Israeli Music Today
>> (Quoted and paraphrased from the Forward -- July 23.)
>> Meir Ariel, called "the Bob Dylan  of Israel" died July 18 in Tel Aviv
at 57
>> years of age.  The cause of death is under investigation.
>> Ariel first received wide popular  attention  for his song "Jerusalem of
>> in 1967 and was criticized for its dovish bent. He had served as an Israeli
>> soldier.
>> His Hebrew was said to border on poetry and he was credited with
developing a
>> distinct style that valued brute and simple lyrical power over orchestral
>> pyrotechnics.
>> He influenced the careers of popular Israeli singers David Broza, Hanan
>> and Gidi Gav.
>> The left-wing tenor of his words helped to establish popular music in
Israel as
>> a political force.
>> He was an outspoken proponent of soft drug use and was arrested several
>> for possession of hashish.
>> His latest album, "Self Operating Doors" (1998) was his first (of seven)
to go
>> platinum.
>> <Borukh dayan emet>
>> Wolf  Krakowski
>>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    Part 1.2       Type: application/ms-tnef
>>               Encoding: base64

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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