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Phish and Jewish music (was Re: Israeli Music Today)

> I believe that someone (Gideon?) has mentioned to me that Phish
> sometimes does Israeli/Jewish music in its live shows.  Is there any
> recorded/video evidence of that fact?

I am pretty sure that "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav" is on one of their studio
albums.  I've heard them do it in concert, and I've also heard them go
into "Avinu Malkenu" during the course of one of their free-form jams.
I'm pretty sure they've done "Al Kol Ele" at some point as well.  I have a
few friends with hundreds of bootlegs and videos; I'll ask them if they've
got others documented.

(PS Said "bootlegs" are not illegal, as Phish takes the Grateful-Dead
approach of allowing fans to set up and tape their shows on an ongoing

Larry Solomon   shlomo (at) apk(dot)net
Proprietor, Merkaz Judaica
Website now up and running (sorta)!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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