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Re: Israeli Music Today

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Dick Rosenberg wrote:

> It seems like the Israeli "stars" have taken everything
> that's banal and schlocky about modern "American" pop music (overuse of
> synthisized effects, e.g.) and incorporated it into their music, while
> discarding everything that (to me as an American Jew) denotes
> "Jewishness" or "Israeliness".

I think that the second point you make (about the secularization of
Israeli music) is true, but I'm not sure that Israeli music has ever been
chock-full of "religiosity".  In fact, I think that some recent Israeli
artists are putting into their music a lot more of mideastern
instrumentation, rhythm and style than did their predecessors.

I'm not sure which clips you listened to, but some of the Israel/American
"stars" have a unique sound which is (yes) very popular, but also eclectic
in the Jewish vein.  Some good examples are Achinoam Nini's (aka "Noa")
Israeli releases, and some of David Broza's stuff, as well.  (Of course,
both Noa and David are -borderline- Israeli talent as they both spend MUCH
of their lives in the US).


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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