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Re: Tara Publications on Jewish music magazine

Im forgot to mention Prof. Alex Lubet, who recently gave a series of lectures 
on Jewish-American music in Lublin, Poland.  (I forget the name of the 
University that invited him).   Sorry, Alex.

Then, of course, there is Chane Mlotek.


Kame'a Media wrote:

> We have at least half a dozen  journalists/writers that I know of on this 
> list alone that are all  highly qualified:
> Gideon Aronoff
> Seth Rogovoy
> Ingemar Johansson
> Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky
> Henry Sapoznik
> George Robinson
> I know there may be others, buI can not speak for their work personally.
> This proposed magazine is a terrific idea whose time has come!
> Wolf Krakowski
> Mayer Pasternak wrote:
> > Tara would definitely be interested in supporting such a venture. We have 
> > discussed this over the last 6 years. The biggest problem/issue that exists 
> > is the lack of quality material being written on Jewish music that is 
> > appropriate for the general public. Most Jewish periodicals do not have 
> > either the funding or the staff to provide for Jewish music reviews or 
> > articles. I have gone around in circles with magazines like Moment trying 
> > to find writers to provide material for their magazine. There is shortage 
> > of writers who understand the general Jewish music markets tastes and are 
> > talking about products/artists that will have broad appeal.
> >
> > When I am approached to advertise in newspapers and magazines - I ask them 
> > what kind of coverage of Jewish Music do they have? Manyare only willing to 
> > cover new releases if the label takes out an ad! I recently sent out over 
> > 200 press kits with 4 new releases and the ratio of calls for ads to 
> > reviews was 8 to 1. I would like to see more of the existing media outlets 
> > covering music in a more serious way. The interest that this coverage woudl 
> > generate might be an good indicator of the viability of a national magazine 
> > dedicated exclusively to Jewish music.
> >
> > Much of what has been written about over the last two years has been 
> > artists that only appeal to a very small part of the overall Jewish 
> > community - i.e. The Jewish Alternative Movement, Yossi Piamenta, Rebecca 
> > Garfein to name a few . If this continues to be the case, people will 
> > continue to believe that Jewish music does not speak to them.
> >
> > I have had a section for Jewish music articles on the site 
> > for 4 years and no one to date has offered to contribute even 1 article!! I 
> > am more then willing to post articles submitted to the site on the 
> > if there is someone out there that would like to have their 
> > voice heard.
> >
> > So if you do want to pursue a magazine - and I am all for it - someone 
> > needs to find the writers that have the knowledge and ability to do so.
> >
> > Mayer Pasternak
> >
> > ----------
> > From:   eliot kahn[SMTP:elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU]
> > Sent:   Wednesday, July 14, 1999 9:51 AM
> > To:     World music from a Jewish slant
> > Subject:        Re: Jewish music magazine
> >
> > To change the subject...
> >
> > I believe this is an excellent idea. The only way a distinctly new Jewish
> > musical idiom will evolve, improve and become more marketable is with a
> > nationally distributed commercial magazine (or cable TV show) devoted
> > exclusively to the topic.
> >
> > I have often wondered why a nationally distributed magazine such as TIKKUN
> > has such paltry (non-existent) Jewish arts and culture coverage. I find
> > myself picking this magazine up and putting it down after a few
> > minutes--it's so serious.
> >
> > Would merchants such as Hatikvah and Tara be interested in advertising in
> > such a magazine IF it received national distribution--say at Borders and
> > Barnes and Noble?
> >
> > Eliott Kahn
> >
> > >
> > >What I had in mind, folks, was a magazine geared towards a mass audience,
> > albeit
> > >probably mostly musicians, a la Downbeat, The Beat, Rhythm Music, Jazz 
> > >Times,
> > >etc., a  magazine that would cover not only Yiddish music but the whole
> > spectrum
> > >of Jewish musical expression. My suspicion is that any other focus will be
> > too
> > >narrow to attract readers or advertisers. I love the Web and am 
> > >particularly
> > >delighted by the stuff that Ari does, this list included, but I suspect
> > that a
> > >printed magazine is the next step to getting Jewish music more attention
> > in the
> > >world at large, which I take to be our larger mission.
> > >
> > >
> > >-- George Robinson
> > >___________________________________________________________
> > >Then you should be a member of the NATIONAL
> > >Web <>, Ph:(212) 254-0279,
> > >Email <nwu (at) nwu(dot)org>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >    Part 1.2       Type: application/ms-tnef
> >               Encoding: base64

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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