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Re: Shabbat Morning Liturgy


Sure.  The music books are lent out, but here is some further
information on the recordings:

The Music of Shabbat at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun ("BJ" of NYC)
(Marshall T. Meyer, J. Rolando Matalon, Ari Priven)
(2 cassette set: 1 for Friday Evening and 1 for Shabbat Morning)
Available, I'm sure from BJ, I believe at 270 W89  NY, NY
212.787.7600.  By the way, they also have a recently issued CD of new
stuff.  I haven't heard it and hope to pick it up tomorrow.

Isaac Behar: Sephardic Sabbath Chants
Tara Publications SSC 101 (cassette)(1993)
Also Friday Evening and Sabbath Morning, about 1 side each.
Probably available from Tara

Velvel Pasternack: Siddur in Song: Prayerbook Melodies
Tara Publications (companion cassette to book)
Assorted prayers (Shabbat, Holiday).  Not in the order of a siddur.
Probably available from Tara

Saul P. Wachs: Nusah Ha'Tefillah: Tapes for Teaching
Comprehensive collection including everything from Birkat HaMazon to
Havdalah and Shabbat and Zemirot and Hol and Regalim... You get the
idea.  Including a side on Introduction to Nusah.)
United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education
(13 cassette set) (1982)
Probably available from United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Book
Service  155 5th Ave.  NY, NY  212.260.8450

Hope that will do.


-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Pinnolis <pinnolis (at) brandeis(dot)edu>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Shabbat Morning Liturgy

>Can you send all the particulars about those recordings?
>At 11:02 PM 7/13/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>Just to keep the list posted on our Havurah's upcoming meeting on
>>melodies for Shabbat morning that are primarily suitable for
>>congregational singing without instrumental accompaniment:
>>We will begin by reviewing "homework" I've given to people who will
>>there.  They will listen to all or part of one of the following
>>recordings (totaling about 5 hours) and will share any favorites
>>the group:
>>The Music of Shabbat at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun ("BJ" of NYC)
>>Isaac Behar: Sephardic Sabbath Chants
>>Velvel Pasternack: Siddur in Song
>>Saul P. Wachs: Nusah Ha'Tefillah: Tapes for Teaching
>>(In addition to 3 music books I've lent out)
>>In addition, they will share recordings or tunes of other favorites
>>that we haven't used.
>>If time permits, I will share some tunes with the group from various
jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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