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Re: Tara Publications on Jewish music magazine

In a message dated 7/14/99 7:35:05 AM, mayer (at) jewishmusic(dot)com writes:

<< Would merchants such as Hatikvah and Tara be interested in advertising in
such a magazine IF it received national distribution--say at Borders and
Barnes and Noble?

I'm all for it! I have called many Jewish Newspapers and Magazines to find 
out why they don't have a Music reviewer and basically as Mayer said, unless 
we take out an ad there is no interest.  We have had many articles written 
about Hatikvah, and Jewish music in general,  in the non-Jewish press with 
unbeleivable results yet the Jewish press (especially in Los Angeles) is more 
interested in coverage of $2000 a plate Michael Eisner "Man of The Moment" 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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