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RE: Booking Concerts

I agree with what Adrian had to say.  For almost three years now, I 
have been working with foundations, corporations, public radio 
stations, synagogues plus Jewish businesses on the internet, in 
search of financial support for the national broadcasts of the 
Los Angeles Jewish Symphony Concerts over public radio stations.

We need all the help we can get!  My latest effort has been to 
ask interested public radio stations to ask their local synagogues
and federations for support, or to reply to me and I would do the
leg work and contact Jewish groups in their areas.  So far, so too
has not made much impact in getting funds to get this project off
the ground.  

That's my two-cents worth....

Larry Mayer
Operations Supervisor
KUSC Radio
Los Angeles
(Board Member of the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony)

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