Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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RE: Booking Concerts

In view of the reactions I have gotten to my e-mail of yesterday (reactions
addressed both to the list and to me directly), I feel I have to address the
list again:

First of all, I want to make clear that my email was NOT addressed to any
one person in particular, and I resent the implications. I am not in the
business of attacking colleagues publicly. Why anyone would feel personally
attacked is beyond me.

The reason I made that comment was that I was under the impression the list
served a general discussion purpose, like most lists do. Obviously this list
allows for other forms of self-expression, and if that is the case, so be
it. I think it is a good list and I don't pretend to make the rules.

I do belong to other lists in which professionals exchange ideas, feedback
and general-interest information on their fields and activities, and any
kind of self-advertisements are rejected and discouraged. So I (wrongly)
assumed the rules were the same with this list. I stand corrected.

My e-mail was a reaction to several months of receiving messages I felt
didn't quite fit. In the meantime, I have received reactions both agreeing
and disagreeing with me. However, in the last few months I have not been the
only person to react to an excessive amount of e-mails on unrelated
subjects, but somehow my e-mail seems to have struck the wrong chord.

Ruth Rose

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