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RE: Booking Concerts

On Friday, October 24, 1997 8:00, Ruth Rose [SMTP:rose678 (at) euronet(dot)nl] 
> I was under the impression this was a list on JEWISH MUSIC. why are
> mailboxes being clogged again with discussions on other (musical) subjects,
> however interesting, as well as with e-mails from people who keep using the
> list for blatant self-promotion?

Ms. Rose:

As the discussions on this list have shown, the field of Jewish Music has very 
wide boundaries. Why is it inappropriate to discuss the practical and business 
side?  The same problems that plague Jewish Music plague music and the arts as 
a whole. This discussion is of very great interest to me for many reasons, not 
the least of which is my responsibility as chair of evening program for CAJE 
23. There has been a dearth of "classical" Jewish music, klezmer, etc. at these 
conferences, and I am seeking ways to change that. Generations of Jewish youths 
are being raised with no connection to their rich musical heritage.

In addition to being a manger of a performing arts venue, I am a musician 
myself. Why is it inappropriate for me to discuss with my peers the 
difficulties of life as a musician? It so happens that I have made Jewish music 
my primary interest.  I, indeed all of us on this list can benefit from 
discussion on the practical side of the music business.

If it makes you feel better, just preface each occurrence of the word "music" 
or "musician" with "Jewish."

It happens that I manage a venue in an area where there aren't many Jews. Does 
that make my interest in or qualifications to discuss the subject any less than 
if I were booking instead for the 92nd St. Y?

As to self-promotion: Madam, musicians make a living with their music. If we 
don't patronize their services, they will simply go away and do something else. 
The music will die. There simply is no separating the aesthetic from the 
mundane in the arts. They are as one. Now, I don't care for shameless 
self-promotion, but I would never begrudge any artist an opportunity to make 
themselves known to the community. What better place for Jewish Musicians to 
make themselves known to a community of people who likely would have an 
interest in what they do than on this very list.

Everybody loves the music. No one wants to pay for it. So we give a lot of it 
away. But we have to put food on the table.

Chag Sameach,

Adrian A. Durlester

Adrian A. Durlester  -  durleste (at) plains(dot)nodak(dot)edu
Production Manager, Festival Concert Hall, North Dakota State University
Director of Music, Temple Beth El, Fargo ND
List-Owner for hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Co-Owner for L-Torah (at) 
Alternate Email: aad (at) iname(dot)com  adriand (at) aol(dot)com

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