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Re: Booking Concerts

In a message dated 97-10-24 01:26:06 EDT, you write:

> As a prudent venue manager, I realize that they simply don't 
>  draw anymore and I can't afford to book them (both for lack of audience
>  because they all ask too much nowadays.) 

This rings a bell concerning a different subject--in the jobbing music
market, live bands are struggling to survive in the war against DJs.  Besides
many other factors, I wonder if one of the problems is that bands are
prohibitively expensive.  As one of those bands, I have to wonder whether the
transformation of music into the business model is realistic.  Having to pay
for promotion, support staff, payroll, etc. on top of decent musician fees is
expensive.  The most hopeful sign is that DJs are starting to do the same
thing and charge prices that make bands look more reasonable again.

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