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Re: Giora Feidman

        P.S., he pronounces his name "faidman" as in "paid" man (I asked 
him) and his first name has a hard 'g' (as in Gorilla), not a soft one.

Fred Jacobowitz, Machaya Klezmer Band in Baltimore, MD

On 19 Nov 1995, Hi8067 wrote:

> Shalom aleichem. I need to know all I can find about Giora Feidman. I have
> a CD 'Viva La Klezmer' which is strange. The liner notes are in German. I
> would like to feature it on my weekly Jewish Hour here in Orlando, but I
> can't make out much of the German. If anyone could tell me a few facts
> about Giora,where he came from, a bit of his history,the music he
> plays,etc. I would be grateful.
> Thanks. A shaynem dank.  Hy Meltz,the Jewish Hour on Radio in Orlando.

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