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Kol Isha - "I wanna get physical.."

B"H Munich

--- Lori M Simon <lorelecs (at) juno(dot)com> wrote:
> Some questions for me are:
> Are women's libidos presumed to be less than men's
> and therefore not as
> distractible by a man's voice as a man is by a
> woman's?

I would say that that has been a fair assumption
over the ages. But there are two sides to this:
men are obligated to daven (while women are not),
predicating the eternal male majority at services
(democrats please note); and the prohibition
on spilling male seed. 

Maybe I´m going out on a limb with this, but
mystically speaking, the spilling of seed is
a five-star no-no. The loss of semen (either
through masturbation or seminal emission) implies
the wasting of man´s ability to be like G-d -
the ability to create another human being.
And in some Chassidic circles, it is thought that
spilled semen combines with whatever it comes into
contact, creating demons that torture the man on his

Now, through the grace of G-d´s plumbing, we
do have an asymmetrical dilemma - if men get
excited ("distracted", as in Kol Isha), it´s quite
possible that the result leads to spilled
semen for the man - serious sin - while if
a woman were to be "distracted", (uncomfortable
as that may be), there is no loss of seed,
and therefore no punishment. 

Outside of "distraction", of course.


Alex Jacobowitz

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