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Re: Klez Kamp 2004, music and Yiddish

Is the radio program archived?  How can one access it????

Sylvia Schildt
Baltimore, Maryland

on 12/31/03 2:42 PM, Jill Friemark at sefirah (at) earthlink(dot)net wrote:

>> I wouldn't say that - I don't see how there could be a single
>> highlight since
>> most folks are involved in many different things.
> No doubt!  What fun it must be all across the board!  I'm only basing
> that particular guess on the sudden amount of requests for video tapes
> of that segment of the concert....It sounds like an amazing time, as
> always, must've been had by all.  :)
> Jill

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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