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Re: Klez Kamp 2003

Sorry for not knowing, but could you say me, why Icelandic? 

Thank you,
Janina Wurbs

Zitat von Joe Kurland & Peggy Davis <ganeydn (at) crocker(dot)com>:

> Well, here are a few comments about my KlezKamp 2003 experience. I 
> was really glad to be back in the Catskills. It just feels like the 
> right place to be. The hotel had its own quirks, as the Paramount 
> did, and I felt very much at home. Having a good-sized pool and large 
> lobby was great.
> My job there is directing the children's program, so I was not able 
> to attend any class completely, but I was there for a good part of 
> Josh Horowitz's Dissonance class and some of Michael Wex's sessions. 
> Our band has been discussing (and playing) dissonance and it was very 
> good to hear both Josh's lecture and the ensuing discussion. The 
> printed material he gave us was very thorough. Wex's classes are 
> always illuminating and thoroughly enjoyable. I gained insight not 
> only into Yiddish but English and even Icelandic. He clarified for me 
> questions I had about Hebrew pronunciation within Yiddish and about 
> Yiddish dialects.
> I also had two excellent learning opportunities, a song-coaching 
> class with Joanne Borts, and a flute lesson with Ken Maltz. Joanne 
> emphasized one's emotional/personal connection with a song, and got 
> great results out of everyone in a very mixed-level class. Ken 
> focused on phrasing with me, which gave me a lot to work on.
> It was really nice having the extra day of Shabbes to extend the week 
> and to give us a chance to relax. I enjoyed having a chance to talk 
> to friends and new acquaintances. German Goldshteyn told me some 
> interesting stories about his life as a klezmer.
> I think my favorite part of the student concert was the part before 
> dinner, when the Oomchicks played. They were a delight.
> Peggy Davis
> Peggy H. Davis Calligraphy & Wholesale Klezmer Band
> Colrain, MA 01340
> 624-3204

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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