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Re: Klez Kamp 2004 student concert

Me, too! KlezKamp was great. This was my first time, and grooving with 
Frank's Funky was an out-of-body experience. I, too, didn't get a decent 
tape of the concert, and I'd be happy to hear off-list if anyone has a 
recording available.

Eric Myrvaagnes (flute)

At 06:37 PM 12/30/2003, Drummamaro (at) cs(dot)com wrote:
>Hey chevrim,
>Did any Klez Kamp 2004 attendees record the Student Concert? I was in 
>Frank London's Funky Side Band and stupid me forgot to tape the show. I'd 
>appreciate it if someone could please make me a copy. Let me know off-list.
>Roberta Levine

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