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Re: Klez Kamp 2004 student concert

Hartley may have recorded it. I'll ask, he may not be on list just now, he and 
Miriam are visiting Cantor Sam and fam. in Joisey. AW
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Drummamaro (at) cs(dot)com 
  To: World music from a Jewish slant 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 6:37 PM
  Subject: Klez Kamp 2004 student concert

  Hey chevrim, 

  Did any Klez Kamp 2004 attendees record the Student Concert? I was in Frank 
London's Funky Side Band and stupid me forgot to tape the show. I'd appreciate 
it if someone could please make me a copy. Let me know off-list. 


  Roberta Levine 

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