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Re: Klez Kamp 2004, music and Yiddish

Wow!!!  Frank's stuff sounds like it was just about the highlight of 
Klezkamp!  Good for him - he's got such a great attitude and is such a 
vibrant, soulful musician, it hardly surprises me.  I envy all of those 
of you who had the opportunity to be involved with his classes and 
workshops!  Hope to join you all out there one of these years...

 From personal experience, can anyone tell me what the Yiddish 
curriculum is like at Klezkamp?  Teachers?  Likes or dislikes?  Please 
email me offlist if you have any input (since it's somewhat off-topic).

I'd love to hear more about all of you musicians' experiences out there 
this year!  Al? Roger? Jeff and Deborah? Lee? Ari? Anyone else?!?  Give 
give give!  :)

Take care, happy new year!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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