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Re: Klez Kamp 2004, music and Yiddish

Jill Friemark wrote:
> Frank's stuff sounds like it was just about the highlight of Klezkamp!  

I wouldn't say that - I don't see how there could be a single highlight since
most folks are involved in many different things.  I think I maybe *saw*
Frank London there once.

For me, the highlight was the last tsimbl class.  Actually, it was
last night when Fendler came by to play (he didn't go) and I threw in
a tasteful scale run that I didn't have a week ago.  I'm playing at
a whole new level.  He lit up in a huge small and gave me a sherkoach.

For some, it was clearly Josh Horowitz's theory sessions, tho most
of the ideas in there were not new to me.    I think they were to most
folks, tho.

Certainly the radio broadcast has to rate way up there, and I don't
even like that swing-style klezmer - but I sure enjoyed the show!

Nightly dancing to German Goldenshtyn was certainly a highlight.  Driving
around Sunday morning to check out Ideal bungalow colony where I used
to stay (now Satmar #4) and Macin's (where my spouse used to stay, which 
was in ruins 10 years ago and is now fixed up and apparently private)
was a highlight.

I'm sure for folks involved in performance ensembles, the performance itself
was a highlight, whether they were in Franks "funky stuff" schtick or
Ken Maltz's simcha band or Pete Sokolow's reading band or what have you.

Or maybe it was finding treasures in the old score that Sol was selling.

It probably was NOT the "weal paprikash".  However, while the food was
pretty marginal, the folks serving it up were al very nice, and there
was no time day or night you could not get a cup of coffee and a piece of

It was probably NOT the clunky, smelly elevator in the back building.  Yes,
the place has had millions of dollars of renovation.  It will need 
millions more.  Nor was it the luggage carts held together with electrical
tape.  Or the utter lack of parking within any reasonable distance of the
buildings, and all of it in mud and the unsanded, unsalted driveways.

It might have been Friday afternoon, when the sun FINALLY came out, an hour
before candlelighting.  It might have been dozens of families lighting
hanuka candles every night.  It might have been two very well attended
Friday night services - one for people who like the leader to face the
congregation, one for people who like the leader to face the same way
as the congregation.

It might have been getting a few minutes alone in a corner with a guru
you only get to see once a year.  It might be the unexpected pleasure of
making a new friend at dinner.
r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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