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Der Yid mitn Fidl

Here are the lyrics to that wonderful Yiddish art song I heard  at the 
conference. The music is by Lazar Weiner, the text is (in Yiddish) by A. 
Lutzky. The performers were Yehudi Wyner, piano, and Cantor Raphael Frieder, 
baritone. This song will be on one of the recordings released by the Milken 

Der Yid Mitn Fidl
(The Jew with the Fiddle)

Once there was a Jew called Yidl.
Yidl the Jew played the fiddle.
The poor Yidl fiddled a song,
As only Yidl could.
Ay-day-day ...

His wife pleaded with him:
"Sweet Yidl, my love,
Fiddle your song with needle and thread.
We need practical sustenance; what good is your song?
Become a tailor, be a good Jew."

The little Jew played the fiddle with his heart:
"Life is bitter and the song is sweet."

His wife said to him:
"You incorrigible Jew, Yidl!
Your fiddling is as useless as a shovel made of matzoh.
I'm talking about practical matters--think about it, Yidl;
A Jew with a song is worth as much as a wind in the desert."

The Jew fiddled his song on the fiddle:
"From all occupations, music pleases me the most."

His wife raged:
"Yidl, you Jew!
Your wife wails and you sing a song!"

The Jew cried and pleaded with his fiddle:
"I can't help myself, my life is the fiddle!"

So the battle over the song goes on:
The wife pleads, the little Jew plays his Jewish song.
He fiddles and sings, the Jew with the fiddle.
And the more the Jew plays the prettier the song.
Ay-day-day ...

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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