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RE: Boogich

I just did a quick search on Jacob (Jack) Boogich and came up with the

from, he arrived in 1910, coming from
Rotterdam (name given as "Jankel Bughic").  He
was 20, a musician, his father was Josef Bughic, Str. Basotto 5,
Jassy, Roumania; destination was New York City;
to join his brother-in-law, Josef Kirsch.  

The 1920 census shows Jacob Boogich at 146 Essex St., New York, aged
29, arrived 1910, papers for citizenship pending, born in Romania,
Yiddish his mother tongue, occupation violinist.

In 1937, he lived at 1726 Union St., Brooklyn, a member of Local 802.
Widow Pearl, of Rockaway Park, died Nov. 7, 1987.

Paul Gifford

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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